The 51st INTERNOISE congress, dedicated to noise management for a more sustainable future, is an international event gathering a large community of scientific specialists, engineers and consultants. UMRAE will be present through various presentations on different fields of its expertise:
Environmental noise
- A large-scale, long-term experimental campaign for the investigation of wind turbine noise fluctuations and amplitude modulation phenomena, D. Ecotière, B. Gauvreau, I. Schmich-Yamane, A. Alarcon, M-C. Nessi, F. Junker, V. Gary, L. Brendel, G. Litou, R. Boittin, L. Segaud, H. Lefèvre
- Modelling the uncertainties of wind farm noise predictions, B. Kayser, D. Ecotière, B. Gauvreau
- Sound environments and citizen action: what place for a participatory sciences tool? The case of the city of Rezé using NoiseCapture, A. Can, P. Audubert, P. Aumond, C. Guiu, T. Lorino, E. Rossa
- Strategic Noise Mapping in France to 2023: Coupling a national database with the open-source model NoiseModelling, P. Aumond, S. Cariou, O. Chiello, D. Ecotière, A. Le Bellec, D. Maltete, C. Marconot, N. Fortin, S. Palominos, G. Petit, J. Picaut
- Using clustering methods to detect quality data in a smartphone-based crowd-sourced database for environmental noise assessment, A. Boumchich, J. Picaut, E. Bocher
- Wind turbine noise modeling including aeroacoustic sources and propagation effects: comparison against field measurements, D. Mascarenhas, B. Cotté, O. Doaré, D. Ecotière, G. Guillaume, B. Gauvreau, I. Schmich-Yamane, F. Junker
Transportation noise
- Factors influencing tyre/road noise under torque, C. Hoever, A. Tsotras, M-A. Pallas, J. Cesbron
- Investigation of electric vehicle noise sources on low-noise road surfaces, M-A. Pallas, S. Bianchetti, A. Le Bellec, J. Cesbron
- Modelling of wheel/rail squeal noise in curves from mono-harmonic vibratory limit cycles, O. Chiello, A. R. Tufano, M. Rissmann
- Porous top layer optimization of cement concrete slabs for tyre/road noise reduction, P. Klein, J. Cesbron, E. Genesseaux, T. Sedran, J. Waligora
- The challenging measurement of acoustic effect of road surface on truck tyre noise by standard close proximity method, J. Lelong, F. Anfosso-Lédée
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